Book Clubs
Are you a part of a Book Club? If you’re interested in organising a Skype talk during your Book Club meeting, please contact me to arrange it.
Here are some questions you might like consider for The English Wife:
- What do you think is Dottie’s underlying motivation for her behaviour towards Ellie?
- How does Ellie change through the novel?
- Why do you think Sam wants Becca to go to medical school?
- What do you think the whales symbolise?
- Do you think Sam has done the right thing to return and stay in Newfoundland?
- What influence do you think Agnes Parsons has on Emmett?
- What is Ellie’s turning point in Newfoundland?
- Why do you think Sophie cut off contact with the people in Newfoundland after her first visit?
- What is Sophie’s turning point in the book?
- Why do you think Emmett does the things he does?
- What do you think will happen with Sam and Sophie?
Here’s a list of questions for The Lost Letter to get you started:
- What is the significance of Addy’s surname Percival? Does it resonate with any other historical stories? If so, which one(s)?
- What is the significance of the bird imagery throughout the novel?
- Who is the most important character in the novel from an historical perspective? Why?
- Who is the shepherd with the staff?
- Is Lamia something other than she appears?
- What is the significance of Jedda’s seemingly ageless cat? Why is it black and white?
- What do you think will happen to Amine and Fatima?
- How has Addy changed, or not, by the end of the novel?
- What do you think really happened to Hanane?
- Do you think Addy’s and Omar’s relationship will survive? What are their biggest challenges?